Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ingredients that will get your skin smooth and soft for summer

glycolic acid body lotion

Today marks the official start of summer; this means less clothing and more skin. While the humidity in some parts of the world actually help with keeping skin hydrated, other dry regions are not so lucky. For those trying to flaunt their best-looking skin, it’s time to break out all the proper equipment. If you’re a product junkie like me, you are always on the look out for the next best thing; a product that will actually do all that it claims and something that you will want to stay loyal to. What I’ve found during my hunt for beauty products is that there are some ingredients that stand above the rest. Here are some great finds that feature these ingredients.

Your body restores and replenishes itself nightly, but it takes skin a full 28 days to renew itself. Speed up the process with a glycolic acid body lotion that will help slough off dead skin and hydrate it at the same time. What is glycolic acid exactly? Glycolic acid is the smallest alpha hydroxy acid and helps break down the substance that binds dead skin. This way, damaged skin can be shed easier, revealing smoother and younger-looking skin underneath. Look for a lotion that has at least 10% glycolic acid so that you can really see a difference after a month. With daily use, your skin should be working at it’s optimal level.
Another great exfoliating ingredient is retinol, which is a form of Vitamin A. This ingredient also promotes quick cell turnover but like any other vitamin, it degrades and oxidizes as soon as it hits oxygen. Make sure the packaging is air-tight and that it’s a quality product that stabilizes the vitamin for full benefits.

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